Friday, January 26, 2007

Upcoming YEAR! I uploaded pictures last week of some of our random gigs....

and... a few of you wrote and said " Hi." We will be posting our up-coming gigs very soon. It's only January and we have already contracted more shows then we did last year.... which I KNOW because I am currently working on my taxes.... sigh....

Anyhow... we missed Florida this year, been there long enough ...all things cyclical ya know ?

But we shall be back... in the meantime... soon we will have our "tour" posted.

We are also planning to update our site with merchandise and some pretty amusing additions....

( computer upgrade has really messed with some of the programs.... arrgghh.. ) BUT very, very soon....

- RePercussion....

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Ya gotta have llllammmaaass
and fun
rick had the nice hotel
and entertainment nearby
Our friend rick....

a self portrait...

gear repair....
more entertainment than you can shake a stick at


Good rules to live by....

and everyone at the Ark/Ok fair.....

wears...chicken hats....
Ahhh home sweet home....
First official mullet of the trip

And highly prized publicity....
Traditional camel shot
Pimp our ride