Monday, April 24, 2006

RIO FEST '06 Yeee Haaaw

Off to Rio Fest, April 06.
Lovely Harlingen, Texas...
Matt, the driver....

Sebastion, the ...umm ....backseat driver...

But, before we get there... everyone needs a nap...
Aaahh, the red-eye layovers.

We arrive at our lovely hotel rooms. The Country Inns...
This one is mine.

Off to work. Yeah, Matt actually wants his hair to look like that.

Same with "Sea-bass". It's like we are a hair band or something....

Here is our break room. Empty. No one sleeping or reading.

Ahhh , here is a break room resident.
and the on-again-off-again soda machine.

Matt, a book about poker...go figure.

Sebastion sewing the five million dollar hole in his jeans...
Not sure why he calls it that....

Here is Sebastion removing the needle from the flesh of his thumb....One of our favorite restaurants... home of UFC televised fights...

And, in Harlingen, they paint..EVERYTHING

Yup... port-a-potties....


Even faces....

And a good time was had by all...
See ya next year we hope...
Stay tuned for pictures from our fans....



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